-Apostle Joseph Hellon is not only a gifted jazz musician but also a church minister
-Hellon is the leader of Kingdom Embassy International (formerly Finger of God church)
-However, it now seems that Hellon has unique skills for handling internet haters
With Joseph Hellon, social media trolls can rest assured that if they go low, he will probably follow suit. And since it is lower, you start to worry that the man of God might discover oil.
And as long as he comes across trolls, Hellon is always prepared to unleash the tornadoes across social media.
Hellon recently encountered haters on TikTok as a result of posting a video discussing proximity and marriage.
The purpose of the video was to address the issue of whether or not one should wed someone withing access and vicinity.
The question had been raised by none other than Hellon’s wife Kuyu Hellon, who fondly calls him “my wonderful honey”
In a calm and clear response, Apostle Joseph Hellon said that one must think about whether they actually loved the individual.
@apostlejosephhellonProximity and marriage. Should you marry the person in your vicinity?
Fashion sense
But the conversation veered off topic, and the trolls soon swarmed on Helon, purportedly criticising his sense of style.
But like he always did, Hellon didn’t think twice about dealing with the trolls. Here are a few instances:
Ray: “Your wonderful honey has dressed like he’s just from prison.”
Apostle Joseph Hellon: A person with a tapered cranium will only think after their statement exposes their tributary locution.
Lady Nice: “Your wonderful honey ni mfupi kaa nyundo. Hiyo kinyasa jo! Give your houseboy.”
Apostle Joseph Hellon: Your bank manager hates your balance sheet. Pathetic.
Phaizaphaiza: “The husband is dressed yes but not meant for such occasion.”
Apostle Joseph Hellon: What occasion? Your financial funeral service?
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Another one chimed in: “Not my pastor with onyasa (a pair of shorts).”
Apostle Joseph Hellon: I don’t pastor broke pillocks!
Milka Milly Fashions: “Why am I even laughing.”
Apostle Joseph Hellon: Enquire from your cranium.
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Muthoni: “Wonderful honeys legs and shorts.”
Apostle Joseph Hellon: Those shorts describe how short your bank statement is.
Maxine: “I am embarrassed”
Hellon: It’s your bank account embarrassing you.
The reply!
Calvin. O.O: “You destroyed that girl’s (Esther Arunga’s) life completely. Now you are wearing Onyasa.”
Hellon: Yours is about to be destroyed too. R.I.P!
He! he!
Randol254: “The last known people who took your advise are in prison.”
Apostle Joshua Hellon: You’re next in prison then.
Debbie Alphonce: “Respect your age and dress well”
Joseph Hellon: Respect money and make some!
In a separate Tiktok video which is among the most watched, Apostle Hellon left many perplexed with a hilarious reply to a troll.
The video titled: Why Do Men Give One Word Answers, a commenter took the opportunity to hit out at Helon but got his nose all bloodied.
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The commenter by the name Braddie posed in a derogatory tone:
“Ametoka wapi huyu tena?” (where has this one emerged from?
To which Hellon replied: “Nimetoka Illuminati with fresh powers!” (I’ from Illuminati with fresh power)
Shouldn’t we crown Hellon the king of comebacks already?
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