The cobra slithered inside the closure as the hen made a brave attempt to block its path. In the ensuing melee, the...
Speaking during a security meeting on Thursday, May 21, Natembeya said that Chiefs will be held liable for underage pregnancies until the...
The flight PK 8303, was flying from Lahore to Karachi at a time when Pakistan has just resumed domestic flights in the...
Kindiki, was ousted on Friday, May 22 after a heated debate that saw 54 out of 67 Senators championing for his removal...
The authority's acting Director-General Mercy Wanjau said that the move is in furtherance of its consumer protection mandate.
The holiday has been gazetted in a notice dated May 20 from the office of Interior CS Fred Matiang’i.
What advice can Atwoli give the President? Maybe crack jokes or throw telephones - Ahmednassir
The Nyali lawmaker noted that the mistreatment and humiliation aimed at Ruto will come back to haunt Uhuru and the entire Kieleweke...
The curfew was initially supposed to end on April 25 but Uhuru extended the curfew by 21 days saying the decision to...
DJ Evolve shared an old video of him playing music at a night club as he thanking his fans for the well...