Editor’s note: Brian Otieno writes about his experience dating billionaires’ daughters on campus.
There were days when being admitted to university was regarded as a huge step towards success.
Back then, people used to nearly worship the ground a university student walked on.
That was a few decades ago, and today, going to campus in Kenya is no longer a big deal.
In a country overflowing with unemployed graduates, there’s little fanfare over the news of admission to a public university.
But as a recent graduate, I’d want to say there are things we take for granted while on campus that can be quite hard to find out here.
I’ll explain.
A boy from a typical Kenyan family attends college to improve his future.
They may end up going completely broke while studying as a result, but they must maintain their composure.
So under such circumstances, lady comrades play a big role in consoling brothers with hugs and affordable romance.
Hugs are crucial when dealing with the stress brought on by financial and academic pressure.
READ ALSO: My Experience with Dating A Rich Man in Dubai
Hugs are one of the services offered on campus that are freely given without much consideration for social class.
I say this because I recently met and tried to hug a billionaire’s daughter, whom I dated when we were on campus, and my plan failed.
She had changed a lot in the year since we cleared campus. Her exotic tweng, which had been in ‘remission’ for four years, had returned.
What’s more, knowing my love for hugs, the lady outstretched her hand to greet me while I was 50 metres away.
That is how I missed out on an opportunity to enjoy the warmth that I had become so accustomed to back on campus.
After a brief talk, the lady again outstretched her hand with her lips stretched out to the furthest corners of the mouth.
Girls from wealthy families tend to behave this way when they are not that pleased or amused.
You must have seen Victoria Rubadiri pull off the act when she encounters something uninteresting while reading the news.
The girl’s actions got me thinking that indeed, being a comrade was something.
Like, how could I now explain to anyone that the lady who had just refused to hug me was a former girlfriend?
Dating billionaires’ daughters
On campus, my friends were constantly impressed by my talent for wooing girls from affluent backgrounds.
But I found that this was the thing I could do the quickest and best.
Most of the girls from rich families were snobby, and most comrades idolised them.
This gave the girls a sense of entitlement that truly irritated me internally.
These rich kids expected everyone to be at their beck and call to assist them. Be it at the mess, at the school canteen, or in a pub outside campus.
Many boys happily performed favours for these girls in exchange for their lengthy “thank you” and a smile.
But I still vividly recall the day I met my first girlfriend, who came from an affluent family.
We were idling with the boys outside the school canteen when she came to buy a cake.
High class
The girl was fine, and many boys wished to date her. I’m saying wished because most disqualified themselves on the basis that she was way above their class.
As she left, I rose from where I was seated and walked towards her. I said hi, and she answered “hi” politely.
I then informed her that BO had instructed me to deliver a message to her.
“Who is BO?” she asked, rather perplexed.
“I’m BO—Brian Otieno,” I said, my face expressionless.
To my surprise, the gorgeous lady smiled.
“Unasemaje?” (What are you saying?) she asked.
“Nataka kukutake out” (I want to take you out), I said, now with a smile plying my lips.
Without a doubt, Jasmine and I had a terrific time on our date that Saturday.
Interestingly, I took her to a modest restaurant that served inexpensive but wonderful food.
This went on for two weeks, and Jasmine enjoyed every experience.
She was honest with me, admitting that she had previously rejected several boys due to their pretentiousness but that she felt I was sincere. Well-brought-up billionaires’ daughters don’t fancy pretence.
She further admitted that she was delighted that I didn’t feel threatened by her affluence.
Huge stipend
When she revealed that her affluent parents gave her a monthly allowance of KSh 70,000, I neither judged nor envied her.
It was clear that we were boyfriend and girlfriend by the third week.
As this was going on, rumours spread that I had finally won the most attractive and difficult girl on campus.
Naturally, a lot of girls, including Jasmine’s equally wealthy acquaintances, began giving me hints that they liked me.
To cut the story short, I fell in love with one of her curvy friends. As a result, we parted ways with Jasmine.
READ ALSO: My Experience of Dating a Girl From a Rich Family
By the time I graduated from college, I had dated at least five billionaires’ daughters.
Having said that, I discovered that smart individuals are more drawn to genuineness than false pretences.
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