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Degree-Educated Waitress in Tears as Customer Tells His Son ‘Not to Become Like Her’


She said after taking their order, the dad told his son to work hard so he doesn’t become like her.

A hotel waitress implored the parents to be respectful to people that will be serving them, noting that they go through alot.

In a Facebook post on the Wanderlust Diaries group, the waitress recounted a horrid experience she went through while serving one family, a dad and his son, that visited their eatery on Friday, April 15.

In the incident, the lady said the duo ordered pizza and she served them.

However, while she was turning back to get them serviettes, she overheard the dad telling the son: “work hard so that you don’t become like this one.”

The waiter was offended by the man’s sentiments as she is well learned and is working as a waitress to pay her bills.

“I am a girl who topped KCPE; was literally in the newspapers, passed KCSE, graduated campus with a second class honours upper division and currently a postgraduate student.

Am a lady tired of doing free internships for now because honestly, my landlord doesn’t take exposure and experience for rent the last time I checked. You know that first job as you figure things out,” she painfully narrated.

After the man’s words, the lady said she froze and quivered for a moment.


However, being her job and needed the money, she took the serviettes and politely turned to place them on his table.

“With a smile, I was like, ” Enjoy your pizza and welcome again.” And I silently walked away. But why would you be so mean to people you know nothing about?” posed the lady.

People trooped to the comments section to console her.

Jacquelyn Mutethya said: “The day I learnt that toxic, mean and nasty people are just projecting themselves to you and it has got nothing to do with you but them..I made peace. Never let toxic humans steal your joy!”

Anne Odhiambo said: You are an emotionally intelligent person. And what you did is called constructive respect- giving respect to a person who does not deserve it. “Even when everyone would understand if you did not.”

Diana A Ocharo said: “People should learn to respect an honest means of income, no matter how low you feel that the job is, this implies to jobs like house manager jobs, watchmen, waitress and waiter jobs etc.”

Lyne Choco said: “Yea, I hate people who are mean to waitresses/ waiters, house managers, cleaners and on. Everyone has a story, it’s important that we respect each other’s jobs. Kindness and love are the key.”

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Abraham Gumba said: “You should have told him gently, “Actually I am a post-graduate student” then told the boy “Yes, work hard.”

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