Firoz died in a road accident alongside his friend Oscar ‘Gates’ Oyando in 2006
"Bursary money was being given to MCAs in Nairobi. All I can do now is to listen in to Senate proceedings," she...
27 out of 45 Senators voted to uphold the motion tabled bedore the Senate by Nairobi County MCAs
The socialite was in Dubai when he bumped into Akon after which she requested to take a picture with him moments before...
Al-Shaabab militant group linked with Al-Qaeda have disclosed in a video evidence names and faces of assailants behind the DusitD2 attack which...
Former Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama finally freed after spending night in police custody.
The actress invited family members and close friends in the extravagant all-white party on Saturday, December 12.
Onono becomes the third lawyer in their family after his father and elder brother
Pornhub has since denied the report by New York Times saying the reports were untrue and unverified.
Nadia also insisted on hard work, prayer and persistence