Editor’s note: Robert Abanobi writes about America’s moral decay in the run-up to the 2024 election.
There was a time when the world held the United States of America in high regard. But not anymore.
The portrait that many had of America was of a country where democratic ideals reigned and people were tolerant.
Therefore, America would be quoted in random discussions across Africa and beyond as a beacon of democracy.
There was also the notion that Americans were the most organised people and never engaged in political mudslinging. Okay?
However, the advent of social media has exposed the US as a bastion of political intolerance and scathing political propaganda.
A keen observer would tell you American politics on Twitter brings out the worst of the Americans: unbridled racism, intolerance, and all.
Having closely watched the political unfolding leading to the 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2018 elections and now the 2024 poll, one is inclined to think America is rather an intolerant society.
In short, nursing different political opinions gets people hot under the collar. The aftermath is the insults and propaganda that follow such discussions.
Hurtful propaganda
If there’s someone who has borne the brunt of the Republican zealots, then it has to be Michelle Obama.
The former first lady (2008–2016) has been insulted using names that include “Michael.” The lie is that Michelle is a trans man.
The purveyors of the claims go ahead to cast aspersions on Sasha and Malia Obama’s paternity.
Videos and photos have been shared online to bolster the propaganda.
However, the former first family has always acted with grace and has steered clear of the hurtful rumours.
One wonders: do those who spread such falsehoods stop to think about the hurt such remarks cause their victims?
Scathing attacks
Yet a keen observer would tell you that there’s a pattern to the madness. The scathing attacks and insults between Republicans and Democrats seem to escalate towards elections.
Even former US President Barack Obama, in his memoir A Promised Land, recalls the mudslinging he suffered in the run-up to the 2008 poll.
Obama particularly recalls how his Republican opponents started a rumour that he was a gay prostitute.
He also recalled an instance when he was nearly attacked when he was campaigning in a predominantly white community.
Social media chaos
For the past year, netizens from across the world have watched in utter dismay as Republicans and Democrats trade insults online.
From a keen observation, the Democrats tend to be measured in their views compared to the rather abrasive Republican lot.
What is most unsettling is the blatant display of intolerance that’s normally accompanied by demeaning insults and racial slurs.
This is a very poor show for a country that prides itself on having one of the highest literacy levels in the world.
2024 election
As the November 5, 2024, poll nears, Americans must sober up and realise that there will still be America after the polls.
It is therefore imperative for both the Democratic and Republican supporters’ tone down on insults and propaganda.
READ ALSO: Joe Biden stumbles twice, falls while boarding Air Force One – VIDEO
What’s more, it must be borne in mind that there can only be one winner in the November 2024 election.
contest. America must remain united, whether Joe Biden gets re-elected or whether Donald Trump will make a return to the oval office.
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