Editor’s note: Our reporter, Getty Soila, explores what constitutes emotional maturity in men.
Every man can act composed, gentle, and grown-up when things are going according to expectations.
This is the reason why it might be challenging to identify signs of emotional maturity in men when things are going well.
Only in times of stress and crises can a man’s true maturity level be revealed.
What is his reaction when he fails? How does he behave in the face of provocation?
Are you curious about the actions that really show how mature a man is?
1. Ability to rise above difficult situations
An indication that a man is genuinely mature is if, in difficult circumstances, he can pick himself up and keep moving forward.
That is not to mean, of course, that he will become a heartless, soulless man of steel.
Since he is still only human, he will occasionally lose it, cry, and panic. But in spite of all, he persists.
On the other hand, an immature man would easily declare, “I’m bogged down and done.”
Put simply, an immature man lacks the capacity to persevere, whereas a mature man does.
2. Taking a cool, proactive approach to issues
An immature man goes berserk the instant he encounters difficult-to-solve issues.
He might punch the wall and injure himself while yelling, “My life sucks.”
However, a mature guy is aware that it is important not to allow his feelings to control him, particularly during difficult situations.
Of course, he would still be angry. But he won’t just snap, find someone to put the blame on, or say or do anything he will later regret.
Rather, he will make every effort to collect himself, concentrate on the issue, and look for solutions.
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3. Readiness to ask for and accept help
Sadly, men are conditioned from childhood that they must be “strong,” and “independent.” This is in a quest to be considered a real man and gain the respect of other guys.
Because of this, the majority of immature men have come to believe that asking for assistance is a show of weakness.
However, a mature man knows when issues are beyond him and when he should ask for help.
For him, asking for assistance merely means realising that he can’t accomplish everything on his own and that it would be much better to do so.
It helps that he is confident enough to recognise that, despite his flaws, he possesses many positive traits.
4. Choosing to say “no” when he should
A mature man possesses a great deal of integrity and self-control.
Even if his marriage is already troubled, he won’t even go to lunch with a girl who is clearly attracted to him if he’s married.
Furthermore, even if he is in dire need of cash and broke, he will resent bribes or kickbacks.
Despite the temptation, he would prefer to stick to his morals.
He won’t do it in private if he won’t do it in public.
5. Keeping your cool in the face of intense disagreements
To be honest, it surprises me how easily broken guys can be.
It only takes a little bit of disagreement for a majority of men to demonstrate their immaturity.
To scare others, many of them would start saying things like, “What are you trying to prove?” or “You think I’m dumb?”
On the other hand, a mature man will maintain composure even as the disagreement intensifies.
He won’t try to talk over his conversation mates or project an air of superiority.
Rather, he will try to hear and comprehend. And he will just walk away from the conversation if he discovers that it is not progressing.
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6. Responsibility
Everyone is prone to mistakes.
The way a man responds to his mistakes sets him apart from those who aren’t quite there.
Naturally, a yet-to-mature man is more worried about how owning up to mistakes will make them appear “weak and “incompetent.”
But the mature guy has no trouble owning up to his mistakes and accepting full responsibility for his deeds. His main worry is how he can improve the situation.
It takes real strength to own up to one’s mistakes and tremendous maturity to acknowledge that one may never be right.
7. Effective communication skills
An immature man lacks the ability to engage in productive dialogue, either at work or at home.
And because he detests people who hold different opinions from his, he would find a method to end a conversation if someone just didn’t agree with him on something.
A mature man, on the other hand, is adept at managing conversations.
He tries to listen and comprehend because he is aware that finding solutions and preserving positive relationships depend on effective communication.

A man who has attained emotional maturity is an effective communicator. Photo/courtesy
8. Accepting constructive criticism
Another thing that clearly distinguishes mature men from immature guys is feedback.
No matter how significant or polite the criticism is, an immature man will instantly believe it is intended to undermine him.
He believes that those who are giving him that feedback are out to sabotage him and make him fail.
A mature man, on the other hand, would be more than delighted to hear criticism.
And the reason for that is that he is aware of the value of feedback for personal growth, despite the fact that it might occasionally hurt.
If it means he can grow as a person in the future, he would rather suffer a setback to his ego today.
9. Being honest regardless of the repercussions
It’s not always simple to speak the truth.
The truth will set you free, as the good book states.
However, speaking the truth might occasionally jeopardise months’ worth of work. And on occasion, it can easily cause our relationships to fall apart.
However, the wise man understands that speaking the truth is the best policy.
10.Willingness to make sacrifices
One of the main characteristics of an immature man is selfishness. One still has a long way to go if they cannot make personal sacrifices for the good of others.
It need not even be a significant personal sacrifice; he could just give up his seat to an elderly woman or a small child.
However, a mature man is more than willing to give up something personal in order to help others.
He has no problem putting aside his personal pleasures in order to ensure the happiness of those around him.
11. Capacity to forfeit control
Men who are immature frequently feel the urge to be in charge.
When they discover that others are acting independently of them or without their permission, they become extremely distressed.
Furthermore, they view anyone who challenges their authority as a nemesis.
However, regardless of his seeming bossiness, a mature man is far more adaptable and understanding. Nor does he find it difficult to cede control to another person.
What counts to him is that the plan succeeds, regardless of whether it is his idea or someone else’s that is ultimately realised.
And he won’t become upset when there are obstacles or delays. He will not interfere.
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12. Keeping calm when provoked
Many men become dangerously violent and enraged when they perceive that they are being disrespected.
Immature men will attack people at the slightest provocation as they seek to demonstrate their manliness.
However, a mature man is well grounded and logical. He has learned not to allow these emotions to get the better of him.
Should someone make fun of his outfit, he will laugh it off.
His taste in clothing doesn’t define him, and in any case, it’s only their viewpoint.
What’s more, he avoids physical conflicts and would involve the police if he sensed matters getting out of hand.
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