Two carpenters – Kelvin Odari and Stephen Odhiambo – based at Ngong Road have caught the attention of Kenyans and the world after a video of their unique moving seat went viral on social media.
From the video, the innovation stands as it can out was the uniqueness of simply and easily converted to a bench.
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Speaking to a local publication, the duo said that they hatched the idea with the aim of changing their lives and people’s perspective towards carpentry.
The moving seat price range from KSh 25,000 to KSh 40,000
“We adopted the idea to assemble this seat from the internet this year (2020) and people love them. Since the video was shared, we have received a number of offers to design them.
“We usually buy wood from workshops depending on the size of the seat we are designing. A piece of an 8×4 wood sells at KSh 400 and 12×4 sells at KSh 800. To assemble one seat can cost around KSh 5,000 and can take between 3 to 4 days,” Odari said.
Among their regular clients is Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua who said he gets most of his furniture from their workshop.
“This looks like Dagoretti corner – Ngong road furniture place. That is where I like getting furniture made so that the money circulates among my people. If you insist on quality and diligence, they design for you an equivalent of what you can purchase in imported furniture shops,” Mutua tweeted.
Former MP Kabando Wa Kabando also wrote on Twitter that he has made an order of the multipurpose seat after coming across the viral video.
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“I have just spoken to Fundi Odhiambo Dago and made my order. Yes, BUY KENYA BUILD KENYA. Isn’t this the proverbial perfectionism? Kudos creative Odhi! Well done! God bless your efforts,” Wakabando said on Twitter.
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