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Why Raila Odinga’s ODM is Kenya’s Biggest Threat to Democracy


Editor’s note: Pithon Mwangi from Muraná writes on why Raila Odinga’s ODM party is the biggest threat to democracy.

I watched in disgust on Tuesday, October 8 as Ruaraka MP TJ Kajwang tore into Githunguri MP Gathoni wa Muchomba.

Fierce with menacing hate, MP Kajwang roundly rebuked Wamuchomba for allegedly mispronouncing her name.

From the simple mistake, Kajwang seized the opportunity to remind Wamuchomba of his beef with DP Rigathi Gachagua and, by extension, “some entitled people in Kenya.”

According to Kajwang, or so he insinuated, Gachagua’s impeachment was meant to cut Kikuyus to size thus enhance equality in Kenya.

All this while, Wamuchomba listened intently and pensively.

I wondered if Wamuchomba’s simple mistake warranted that kind of hostility.

But I called to mind that only a few days before, it is the same TJ Kajwang who had openly celebrated as hired thugs rained blows on activist Morara Kebaso.

“Hiyo ndiyo utamu ya Nairobi” (that is the sweetness of Nairobi).

One wonders why it’s mostly the ODM MPs who celebrate and perpetuate violence. And what’s more, they carry it as a badge of honour.

While ODM party leader Raila Odinga has always postured as a champion of democracy, all indications are he is not.

And it is because there have been so many cases of violence involving his ODM party and its membership for it to be a coincidence.

It is also noteworthy that ODM has built its support base through calls for violent protests and ethnic incitement.

It is also interesting that it is ODM that joins faltering governments through the back door, and the coalition partners suddenly become sworn enemies.

Ruto falling out with Uhuru Kenyatta followed Raila’s handshake with Uhuru in March 2018.

As we speak, Gachagua is being pushed out of the government a few months after Raila Odinga joined government.

The old man also never quite condemned the Genz youths killed by police during protests.

Raila also never condemned the state-initiated disappearances of anti-government protestors.

Isn’t it obvious that something is profoundly wrong with Raila Odinga—that strife follows his entry into governments?

It is even worrying that Odinga wants to be the AUC chair.

In the same vein, youths from the Luo community brag of violence as if it were a badge of honour.

And this is manifested in all Luo Nyanza counties where unbridled violence is the order of the day during the chaotic ODM nominations.

Interestingly, Raila rarely condemns such violence by stripping the perpetrators of party membership.

All indications are, ODM dalliance with violence will continue as long as Raila is in active politics.

Suffice to say, founded on the run-up to the 2007 poll, ODM is the originator of the 41 vs. 1 slogan that led to the post-election violence.

Back to the Gachagua impeachment issue, Raila’s diehards like Otiende Amolo have come out guns blazing against Riggy G.

The same with Raila’s daughter Winnie Odinga and other ODM MPs who have seized every moment to mock DP Riggy G.

READ ALSO: (Photos) DP Rigathi Gachagua Meets Raila Odinga in Mombasa

It goes without saying to these ODM leaders: Raila’s word is law, and there’s no room for second thought or reason.

Raila certainly doesn’t care about mentorship and democracy within his ODM party or the country at large.

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