
25 Lies Every Girl Tells Her Boyfriend


Recently, a netizen shared what he considered to be lies that every girl tells her boyfriend. Here is the list:

1. He is just a friend.
Lies.  The truth is, he is more than a friend.

2. I only like you as a friend.
You’re being gently turned away. She wants to keep you around and use you as a simp.

3. Everything is OK; I’m fine.
She clearly needs some help.

4. I’ve never had anybody better than you.
This is nothing more than ego-stroking to improve your diminishing coitus abilities.

5. I missed your text message.

6. I’m not like those other girls.
Nonsense. She must be like all the other girls if she feels the need to say that.

7. I don’t want a relationship.
She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you.

8. I cannot marry a man for money.
The truth is, she would for the right price.

9. It is ok; I forgive you. 
NOPE. You’ll pay dearly, albeit later.

10. Unlike other ladies, I’m not jealous. 

11. I promise not to lose my cool. 
Don’t buy it.


12. My phone’s battery is dying. 
The battery is running out just for you.

13. I’ve moved on. 
Someone has not moved on if they have to announce, “I’ve moved on.”

14. You have a cute friend. 
It won’t be long before they have a physical relationship because she has already done so emotionally.

15. I love you exactly as you are. 
Run. She has you by the balls.

16. I have never looked at a man’s phone. 
Rubbish. Every lady has looked at her man’s phone.

17. I hate men who play games. 
Nope. Women enjoy playing games.

18. Sorry. Wrong text. 
Don’t believe her.

19. I’m on my period. 
No. Not at all.

20. I’m sorry, but I’m now busy. 
Busy for YOU, of course!

21. I’m the problem, not you. 
Always, it is you.

22. I have no expectations.
Women generally have expectations. She wants you to believe she is unique and open-minded. She isn’t.

23. I’m a simple person. 
Women are incredibly complex human beings by nature.

24. I’ve only ever been with X males. 
C’mon! Multiply that number by 10.

READ ALSO: (Video) Pastor Warns Women Against Marrying Dreadlocked Men

25. I hope you had a good time. 
You weren’t with her. She wishes you had the worst day of your life.

What other lies that every girl tells her boyfriend do you know?

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