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Murang’a cleric kills son over land tussle

Police in Murang’a are hunting for a man who allegedly murdered his son over a land tussle.

The man, a retired Anglican Church of Kenya cleric, is said to have connived with his elder son to kill the victim.

Early Sunday, February 23 morning, the cleric and his son took the victim from his house as he slept, tied him to a tree and started beating him up with sticks.

Reports indicate that the priest had on Saturday, February 22 summoned the elder son for an unknown assignment.

The suspect’s grandson told Daily Nation that the two disciplined the deceased for allegedly stealing farm produce.

The deceased kept screaming calling for help but no one came to his rescue as the family is said not to get along with the neighbours.

He pleaded with his assailants not to kill him but his cries fell on deaf ears. His body was found with serious injuries.

Residents described the deceased as a social, hardworking tomato farmer who loved peace.

“The deceased was social but had issues with the father emanating from a land dispute, ” said John Kiiru, a resident.

The main suspect retired from service last year after serving as an evangelist with the ACK church.

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