India, officially the republic of India is located in South Asia. India is the second most populous country in the world and also most populous democracy in the world.
The capital city of India is New Delhi while the largest city is Mumbai. It is a constitutional Republic that represents a highly diverse population consisting of urban-rural population.
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Interestingly, India does not have a National language because over 1652 dialects are spoken widely across the country.
Shampoo was invented in India in the 16th century. This was the use of Dried Indian gooseberry mixed with other herbs to come up with a shampoo. The idea then led to the recent make of shampoo. The word shampoo originates from a Hindi word, ‘Champu’ which means massage.
Water on the moon was discovered by India
India boasts of the discovery of water in the moon by scientists of her own. This happen in September, 2009 when India ISRO Chandrayaan- 1 used Moon Mineralogy Mapper and detected water on the moon for the first time.
Diamond was first mined in India
It is reported that the first ever recognized and mined was found in India . India became the most productive diamond mining country in the world before inventions in Brazil. There are three active diamond mining areas in the country. The famous one is Kohinoor diamond which was found in the 13th century. The 793 karat stone was the acquired by Queen Victoria the British rule.
Spa for Elephant
Elephants in Indian are treated into luxurious baths,massages and food at the Punnathoor Cotta Elephant Yard Rejuvenation Centre in Kerala. The spa cater for up to 59 clients. Indians purely respect elephants as they are sacred and play an important role in their culture. They also play a major role in the temples and are also important in the region. Elephants in India are believed to be a living incarnation of their one their important gods, garnesh.
First ever rocket was launched in India
The first rocked launched from India was so light and small that it was transported on a bicycle to the experiment destination. It was taken to Thumba Launching Station in Thiruvananthapuram station in Kerala.
Sports in India
India is home to various obsessive sports. Without shadow of doubt, cricket is the most loved and played sport in India. Other sports like Football, Kabaddi, Badminton, Hockey, Tennis, Wrestling are also played.
The country has also highest cricket ground in the world. The Chail Cricket Ground in Chail, Himachal Pradesh, is the highest in the world with an altitude of 2,444 metres. It was built in 1893.
India is hailed for giving people its sweet tooth. Sugarcane originated in South East Asia but was first chemically refined in India over 2500 years ago. Indians also were first to discover the use of sugarcane and its properties in medicine and food.
Floating post office
India boasts the largest number of post offices in the world. It has over 1, 55,015 post offices. According to reports, a single post office on an average serves a population of 7,175 people. Having all that, it still looked not enough, and India had to add floating post office in a boat. The post office is located in Kashmir, India. It is one of the most famous and picturesque Dal Lake. It was inaugurated in August 2011.
Kumbh Mela
India’s largest religious gatherings the Kumbh Mela can be seen from satellite. Kumbh Mela is a pilgrimage that takes Hindu people to the banks of Ganges every 12 years. During the even they perform various rituals, bathing, singing religious talks and feed the poor. The largest gathering was observed in 2011 with over 75 million pilgrims and could be seen from space.
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India being the second most populous country in the world with an estimation of over 1.5 billion people has different ethnicities and religions. Over 90 per cent of the world’s Hindus live in India, but substantial populations of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and adherents of folk religions are present.
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