Having your name blacklisted by CRB will lead to no more loan advancement in the future.
In this article, we will highlight the procedure on how to get cleared from CRB and get your clearance certificate.
The Credit Reference Bureau is a company licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) to collect (if asked by lenders) credit information from companies and individuals.
This credit informations include national IDs, Names, Email, Phone Number, Employment details, Bank account performance history among many others.
CRB receives the information from mobile lenders and banks.
Why you get blacklisted on CRB
One usually gets blacklisted by CRB for failing to pay their loans on time,due to financial fraud or forgery, or bankruptcies.
It should be noted that CRB can list one either positively or negatively. Your name can appear on CRB but that does not mean you have a loan default.
What to do when wrongly listed on CRB
When you are at a point where you think your name or ID was wrongly listed for a loan you never requested or someone used your information it is best to contact the company that submitted your name to CRB and launch a dispute to have your name cleared.
When you are in a scenario where your not sure sure if your name is listed at CRB, it is best to call any of the three companies listed below and inquire.
How long does it take to be cleared to from CRB
Once you are done paying the amount you had defaulted, the lender, for example, Branch, Tala , KCB etc will request CRB to clear your name from the blacklist. This might take 1- 3 days.
It should be noted that your name might not be permanently removed from the listing for some few years. It will only show that you do not have outstanding loans.
Now, your name will be moved from negative listing to positive listing.
It should also be noted that the history of your financial records will still be available for the next 5 years before being permanently cleared.
How to get a CRB clearance certificate
CRB clearance certificate – This is a legal document that confirms one is not negatively listed on CRB or has a non- performing account.
The document is important in some cases when an employer requests for it.
It should be noted that one is required to pay a processing fee of KSH 2,200 which is not a fine to get the certificate.
Procedure on getting CRB clearance
- Contact any of the CRB companies listed below
- They will provide you with an online form to Fill
- You will then have to pay Ksh. 2,200
- Wait for your information to be processed
- You will receive your clearance if you do not have any loan default. However, if you have a loan default, you will be issued with a status certificate
Contacts of Licensed Credit Reference Bureaus by CBK
Metropol Contacts
Name: Metropol Credit Reference Bureau Limited
Phone: (+254) 20 26 89 88 1 OR 0709 834 000 or 0709 228 000 or 0730884000
Email: creditbureau@metropol.co.ke
Physical Address: Barclays Plaza, 9th Floor, Loita Street, Nairobi
Creditinfo Contacts
Name: Creditinfo Credit Reference Bureau Kenya Limited
Phone: +254 735 880880 or +254 718 842833 or 0709593000
E-mail: cikinfo@creditinfo.co.ke
Physical Address: Park Suites, Parklands Road, Nairobi
Trans Union Contacts
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Name: Credit Reference Bureau Africa Limited (Trans Union)
Phone: +254730 651 000 or +2540203751344
Email: info@transunion.co.ke
Physical Address: 2nd Floor Delta Annex, Ring road, Westlands,Nairobi
SMS: 21272.
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