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WATCH: Plain Clothes Police Officer Dramatically Arrests Azimio Protester


A video of a plain-clothes police officer arresting an Azimio protestor during maandamano has lit up the internet with excitement.

In the video captured in Mathare during the daylong protests called by Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga, the protestor is seen hurling unpalatable words at police.

All the while, a plain clothes police officer posing as a journalist lurks nearby, waiting for the opportune time to pounce.

In what can be termed as perfect timing, the policeman dashes towards the terrified man and carries him to a waiting police vehicle.

Other officers celebrate as the protestor is escorted towards a waiting police truck.

The video has elicited mixed reactions online, with a section of netizens hailing the officer’s smooth operation.

Others, however, felt that the action might put journalists covering protests in danger.

Ace: Ukishikwa unaitishwa bond yenye unless watu wenu wauze shamba ndio utolewe otherwise kaa nyumbani fujo haitateremsha gharama ya maisha.

Bro Max: The media fraternity must condemn this act, as it creates room for journalists attacks due to suspicion.

Western Kakamega: They don’t know that some of those throwing stones are undercover police officers. They want to know about plans and reporting styles you can’t understand.

Nyambura Ndung’u: Weuh..literally the hawk way! Like lifting the guy. This is what Utumishi kwa wote means.

Dr Robert Muli: Good work. God bless our police officers. Raila and his goons are watajua hawajui.

Kim: I had to watch twice ndio ni observe kile officer alikuwa anafanya…wanajifanya journalist kumbe…

Kimani wa Njenga: I love that takedown. Brilliant. Commando style.

READ ALSO: WATCH: Azimio Man Tricks Police, Escapes Arrest During Maandamano

On Monday, opposition leaders announced three days of demonstrations from Wednesday to Friday over tax increases and the high cost of living.

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