Alcohol business in Kenya can amass immense profits. But, in order to start the business there are a few legal and licensing requirements that one is required to adhere to.
The Liquor Licensing Act in Kenya comprehensively expounds on the requirements that one has to fulfill in order to acquire a permit.
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It is however more complex getting the permit in different regions as they have imposed further laws.
When applying for an appropriate liquor license for your business, there are various factors you ought to consider.
How to apply for liquor license
Your are required to apply for the permit in person from the County Council Business Licensing offices. This means you are already registered with the attorney’s office before starting the alcohol selling business.
Here is the procedure
Visit County Councils Business Licensing Offices to make your application for the liquor license.
Considering the nature or type of your application, you will be given one of the following application forms to complete.
– Application for The Grant or Renewal of an Alcoholic Retail Drinks Licence
– Application for The Grant or Renewal of a Licence to Manufacture or Produce an alcoholic drink
– Application for The Grant or Renewal of a Licence to import or expert an alcoholic drink
fill the required information and attach your ;
(a). Registered Business name
(b). Physical address.
(c). Business identification number,
(d). Copy of certificate of incorporation,
(e). National ID/Asylum Pass/ Passport No/ Alien ID
A licensing officer will then sent to your premises after submitting the application. This is carry out an inspection to determine if your premise is suitable for the nature of the license you are applying for.
The officer will then table down the information obtained for deliberation by the directorate
You will be required to pay for a prescribed fee which carries depending on the nature of license you want.
i). General retail alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 50,000.00
(ii). General retail alcoholic drink licence (off Licence), Ksh. 24,000.00
(iii). Brewer’s alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 1,000,000.00
(iv). Wholesale alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 50,000.00
(v). Import alcoholic drink licence (wholesale) , Ksh. 1,000,000.00
(vi). Bottler’s alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 250,000.00
(vii). Distributor alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 50,000.00
(viii). Hotel alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 50,000.00
(ix). Restaurant alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 30,000.00
(x). Club alcoholic drink licence (members’ club) , Ksh. 100,000.00
(xi). Supermarket and franchised retail stores alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 80,000.00
(xii). Theatre alcoholic drink licence. , Ksh. 15,000.00
(xiii). Traveller’s alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 30,000.00
(xiv). Railway restaurant car alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 5,000.00
(xv). Steamship alcoholic drink licence, , Ksh. 30,000.00
(xvi). Temporary or occasional alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 1,000.00
(xvii). For transferring an alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 1,000.00
(xviii). For removing an alcoholic drink licence , Ksh. 1,000.00
After the payments and the license signed, you will be required to collect the permit from their offices.
Once you get hold the permit, display it on your business premises.
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You are required to have the following documents
- Identification card.
- PIN certificate
- Health certificate (Department of
- Health Services clearance)
- Fire clearance.
- NACADA certificate
KEBS certificate
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